Statutes Amendment (Child Exploitation and Encrypted Material) Bill

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: I speak today on behalf of the Dignity Party in support of this bill, which essentially gives police officers more powers to demand passwords and gain access to technological devices that they reasonably suspect contain material...

To guarantee our health and wealth, make SA the state of play

Dignity Party MLC Kelly Vincent calls on the State Government to invest in the future by making playgrounds and other public spaces accessible to all. This week, the New South Wales Government announced a new statewide policy for inclusive play...

Department for Education and Child Development’s Policy on Seatbelt Buckle Guards – Response

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: The Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) has a policy, I understand, in relation to buckle guards in DECD-funded taxis which appears to contradict the rest of the country. To explain, a buckle guard is a...

Professor Dr Freda Briggs

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. K.L. Vincent: That this council— notes the passing on 6 April 2016 of child protection advocate, Emeritus Professor Dr Freda Briggs, AO; recognises the extraordinary body of work Dr Briggs undertook to become an...

Mainstream schools ‘struggle to teach children with disabilities’, parents face ‘demoralising processes’

By Lauren Waldhuter Updated Sat at 6:21pmSat 1 Apr 2017, 6:21pm Photo: B-J Price says her son Max, who has cerebral palsy, is now thriving at a public school which his younger brother Quinlan also attends. (ABC News: Lauren Waldhuter)...

Growth Attenuation

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. K. L. Vincent: That this council— Notes the recent New Zealand case of Charley Hooper, the now 10-year-old girl whose parents had her undergo growth attenuation treatment, meaning that she will now never grow...

Clare’s Law

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Leader of the Government, on behalf of the Premier, a question about Clare's Law and the protection of children. Leave granted. The Hon. T.A. FRANKS:...

Child Development and Wellbeing Bill

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: I speak today on behalf of Dignity for Disability on the Child Development and Wellbeing Bill 2014. I do not think I need to explain to anyone in this chamber, nor any of the stakeholders involved...

Has DECD Gone Commando on its Minister?

Kelly Vincent has expressed concern today regarding the Department of Education and Child Development’s unilateral decision making without knowledge of its Minister. “Earlier this week I received a letter from the Minister for Education and Child Development, Jennifer Rankine, regarding...

Specialised Equipment to Promote Play

Published in The Guardian Messenger, page 14 NOVITA Children's Services says specialised play equipment means children with a disability can "play alongside their peers". "All children deserve the opportunity to enjoy outdoor play, but some traditional play equipment is inaccessible...