Australian Olympians and Paralympians

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: I just wanted to put on the record a few brief remarks on behalf of Dignity for Disability, acknowledging the extraordinary achievements of our Olympians and in particular our Paralympians who have done our state very,...

Kelly Vincent – 639 ABC Interview on the Paralympics, Inclusion and Workplace Diversity

Angela Smallacombe: I’m joined on the line by Kelly Vincent. We’re coming up to the end of the Paralympics and it’s been really, really interesting. It’s one of those things where it puts people with disabilities straight into the spotlight....

Motion – Matthew Cowdrey

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: I move: That this council acknowledges the extraordinary Paralympic career of Matthew Cowdrey on his retirement from elite swimming on 10 February this year, just over a fortnight ago and that: 1. He embodies a social...