Statutes Amendment (Registered Relationships) Bill

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I rise on behalf of the Greens to speak to the registered relationships bill which, as members are aware, is consequential on previous law reforms passed through this parliament—indeed, a rainbow raft of law reforms that...

Kelly Vincent – Vision Australia Interview on the Disability Pride Parade and the Rainbow Reforms

Richard Morgan: Time once again to welcome to 5RPH, Dignity for Disability MLC Kelly Vincent. Hi Kelly. Kelly Vincent: Hi Richard. Richard Morgan: Kelly the second ever Disability Pride Parade to be held in Australia is on again in Adelaide...

Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: Can I just say that I support the bill. The Hon. G.E. GAGO: I rise today to make a short contribution to this bill. The reality is that many same-sex couples have children. Sometimes they have...

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: I again take the floor briefly to indicate my support for this bill and all other pieces of legislation in the 'rainbow raft' of legislation, as it has become known. I am very happy to be...

Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: I also take the floor to lend my support to this bill, which is a bill that, amongst other things, seeks to establish a provision for the adoption of adult persons where there has been a...

Relationships Register (No 1) Bill

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: Very briefly—I do not think I can be quite as brief as the Hon. Mr Darley on this one but I will see how I go. I am very pleased to lend my support to this bill—a...

Suicide Prevention

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: Supplementary, Mr President: can the minister also outline what the government is doing to support people and prevent suicides—particularly those of young people and LGBTIQ people—in regional areas, given the apparent increased rate of suicide in...

Make Young People Count – Dignity for Disability Releases Youth Policy

Respecting young people’s intelligence and providing them with strong support networks are the goals of Dignity for Disability’s youth policy, which the party released today. Party Leader Kelly Vincent MLC said the policy had been written to address issues young...

Family Relationships (Parentage) Amendment Bill

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: I wish to briefly speak in support of the Hon. Ms Franks' bill. I will note first that I am not necessarily expressing the views of Dignity for Disability as a party in delivering this speech,...