Reporting and Training Methods of Police in Response to Domestic Violence Issues – Response

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking questions of the Minister for Police regarding policies and practice of SAPOL in relation to reporting and file keeping regarding domestic violence issues. Leave granted. The...

Domestic Violence Police Training – Response

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: He may need to take this on notice, but could the minister also elaborate on the nature of the training around domestic violence? Is it interview techniques? Is it recognising the signs of domestic violence? What...

Kelly Vincent – 5AA Interview on Foggy Frogg Children’s Book, Domestic Violence Conference and Sex Education for People with Disabilities

Andrew Reimer: Kelly Vincent, what have you been up to? Kelly Vincent: Yesterday I was down at Burnside Library at the launching of a book by a young author who’s written a children’s book to help young children and their...

Prevalent and Preventable Conference

Speech to Prevalent and Preventable Conference September 21, 2016 Slowly we are learning more about the harms of sexism – most commonly directed toward women - particularly in our discussions around domestic and family violence. As both a woman and...

Kelly Vincent – Vision Australia Interview on the International Domestic Violence Conference

On Wednesday 21 September, Dignity for Disability MLC Kelly Vincent was interviewed on radio station Vision Australia to discuss the recent international domestic violence conference which was held in Adelaide and also discussed the importance of sex and healthy relationship...

Police Training in Domestic Violence Cases

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: He may need to take this on notice, but could the minister also elaborate on the nature of the training around domestic violence? Is it interview techniques? Is it recognising the signs of domestic violence? What...

Kelly Vincent – Vision Australia Interview on Domestic Violence Evidence Provisions

On Wednesday 22 June 2016, Dignity for Disability MLC Kelly Vincent was interviewed on Vision Australia radio station to discuss a new Bill Ms Vincent has drafted about the collection of evidence in domestic violence related cases. Here is the transcript...

Reporting and Training Methods of Police in Response to Domestic Violence Issues

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking questions of the Minister for Police regarding policies and practice of SAPOL in relation to reporting and file keeping regarding domestic violence issues. Leave granted. The...

Clare’s Law

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Leader of the Government, on behalf of the Premier, a question about Clare's Law and the protection of children. Leave granted. The Hon. T.A. FRANKS:...

Speech to “DV Snapshots” Forum: Violence and People with Disabilities

It is estimated that people with disabilities are two times more likely to experience physical and sexual violence than those without. And the risk increases according to factors such as type of disability, age, and gender. In fact, according to research...