South Australian Public Health (Immunisation and Early Childhood Services) Amendment Bill

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: While I would be the last person who would want to take away from the importance of immunisation in terms of its positive impact on public health, I have been contacted by parents who are concerned...

Children and Young People (Safety) Bill

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: The Dignity Party is not inclined to support this amendment at this stage, particularly given that, in particular from my conversations with Belinda Valentine, my understanding of her viewpoint is that the legislation as it stands is...

Mainstream schools ‘struggle to teach children with disabilities’, parents face ‘demoralising processes’

By Lauren Waldhuter Updated Sat at 6:21pmSat 1 Apr 2017, 6:21pm Photo: B-J Price says her son Max, who has cerebral palsy, is now thriving at a public school which his younger brother Quinlan also attends. (ABC News: Lauren Waldhuter)...

Speech Pathology Services in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking questions of the minister representing the Minister for Mental Health regarding speech pathology services in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). Leave granted. The...

Kelly Vincent – ABC Radio Adelaide Interivew on protecting children with disabilities from abuse

Deb Tribe interviewing David Holst, Maurice Corcoran, Kelly Vincent and Peter Sandeman David Holst, Chair, Intellectual Disability Association of SA Deb Tribe: We have been talking to Linton Besser ahead of tonight’s program ‘Fighting the System’, about the abuse, both...

Opening Address to Julia Farr Youth Conference

Thank you for having me here today to open the inaugural Julia Farr Youth Conference. I’d like to acknowledge distinguished guests, state and federal MPs, the organising Committee, conference delegates and very importantly, you all as young people with disabilities....

More for Those who Need it Most – Dignity for Disability Launches Education Policy

Dignity for Disability today launched its education policy, which is designed to help the children who need it most. Party Leader Kelly Vincent MLC says the policy has a dual focus on providing better support for students with disabilities and...

Banging the Drum for Early Childhood Services

Dignity for Disability has today announced their early childhood plan, incorporating a daily music component, for the 2014 State Election. “Daily musical experiences for all children is the cornerstone of Dignity for Disability’s plan for early childhood services,” says Party...

Foster Children

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (15:15): I seek leave to make an explanation before asking the minister representing the Minister for Education and Child Development a question about foster families. Leave granted. The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: A recent media report concerning...

NDIS Relief – But Have we Created a Different Disability Lottery?

Kelly Vincent has welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement that South Australia will be one of three launch sites for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, but remains concerned that instead of a postcode lottery, we’re implementing an age group lottery. “After...