Saturday, 7 October 2017
Kelly Vincent launches metro lower house team for 2018 17 candidates for March 17th
Kelly Vincent launched a large team of metropolitan lower house candidates today in preparation for the March 17th, 2018 South Australian Election.
“The growing size of our candidate teams over the years indicates how serious we are about maintaining and increasing representation for all,” says Kelly Vincent.
“Yesterday, Nick Xenophon said he was sick of seeing this contest of low expectations, well, I’m sick of the soft bigotry of low expectations in this state where the LGBTIQ community, people with disability or mental illness, parent carers, young and elderly people, women and people of multicultural backgrounds are left out of the political process.
“We are a political party offering a team that actually understands real South Australians. Dignity Party candidates know what it’s like to wait in an ED corridor for a hospital bed, or be let down by a government service, and know what it means when you can’t pay your huge water or electricity bill.
“Our candidates are fighting for a better deal for South Australians that have been left behind; we believe in inclusion, diversity and justice.
“I’m proud to launch a group of candidates that represent the true diversity of South Australians. These are grassroots community campaigners that have lived experience of disability, are parent carers, work in the disability sector and have rich and varied life experience.
“I look forward to campaigning with this team, and other candidates to be announced in the coming months, in the lead up to Election Day in March,” said Ms Vincent.
The candidates launched today are:
Adelaide – Betty-Jean (B-J) Price
Black – Anastasia Svetlichny
Bragg – Joanne Blesing
Cheltenham – Madeline McCaul
Colton – Dr Ted Evans
Croydon – Lucy McGinley
Dunstan – Ben Wilson
Elder – Nick Schumi
Enfield – Emma Cresdee
Gibson – Garry Connor
Hartley – Rick Neagle
Kavel – Cristina Rodert
Morphett – Dr Monica Kwan
Port Adelaide – Bryan Tingey
Torrens – John Duthie
Waite – Cathi Tucker
West Torrens – Phillip Beddall
You can view all of our lower house candidate photos and bios at our accessible website: