Kelly in the Media

State Government scrambles to retrospectively fix a Health Department bungle

ABC Radio Adelaide | ABC North and West

The State Government is scrambling to retrospectively fix a Health Department bungle that’s put recorded interviews with young abuse victims at risk. Under changes brought in last year Child Protection staff who’ve undergone specific training can record interviews with young children to spare them the trauma of presenting evidence in court but it’s been discovered those interviews are inadmissible in court because the employees’ training was not officially approved by the Government.

Dignity Party MLC, Kelly Vincent says a solution must be found:

“It is vital that the Government finds a way to fix this issue retrospectively.”

“To have to relive that experience and give that evidence again due to this absolutely disgraceful oversight could in fact impact that trauma and make it even worse so I’m very concerned about this and I think we need to find a way to make sure that the evidence is admissable.”