Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (South Australia) Bill


The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (15:52): I would like to thank the council for its patience. I will make a very brief contribution in support of this bill on behalf of Dignity for Disability. Firstly, I would like to thank minister Hunter’s office for providing my staff member with a comprehensive briefing on this bill; that is much appreciated.
I believe that the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards scheme (WELS, as it is fittingly known) is an important regulatory scheme to ensure consumers are informed about the water efficiency of their appliances, such as washing machines and so on. Certainly, in today’s society, with what is happening to our environment, arguably that is a very good thing.
From the information given to my office on the briefing, the figures on energy and water savings are very positive and an important feature of this scheme when energy and water bills are particularly a huge cost burden to South Australian families and households in 2013. I do not have any particular questions about the bill at this stage and commend it to the chamber.