Visual message opens eyes /by BEN HYDE


Published in The Adelaide Advertiser, page 7

BEN HYDE AN artwork adorned with messages of support will provide comfort in a time of need for domestic violence victims. The 1m x 1.5m artwork comprises about 150 messages of support to victims of domestic violence. It was completed at a Soroptimist International event in Rundle Mall last weekend and presented to Central Domestic Violence Service executive director Maria Hagias at the end of yesterday’s Walk the Talk public walk raising awareness of domestic violence. Soroptimist International is a service organisation aimed at bringing women together to have an equal voice in creating strong, peaceful communities. Messages of support on the artwork include those from Governor Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce, federal MPs Kate Ellis and Penny Wong, state MPs Vicki Chapman and Kelly Vincent, and SA Police Assistant Commissioner Linda Williams. Soroptimist International Adelaide branch spokeswoman Izzy Gebler-Hughes said the artwork would send a powerful message of support to domestic violence victims. “The idea behind the project was to create a piece of artwork containing messages of support for victims of domestic violence from the wider Adelaide community,” she said. Ms Hagias said the artwork would hang in the service’s women’s shelter. “It’s all about women knowing that we are walking alongside them,” she said. SPEAKING OUT: Maria Hagias from the Central Domestic Violence Service yesterday with a large artwork donated by Soroptimist International.