Taxi driver found guilty on 7 news


Channel 7 News 17/01/2014 Courts (18.09)

A taxi driver’s been found guilty of indecently assaulting a disabled passenger after he masked the security cameras in his cab. The victim’s parents are elated by the verdict but say more must be done to give vulnerable people a voice:

Taxi driver Cheng Jing Cao said he wanted to physically assault his 24 year old disabled passenger because she dribbled on him. He even admitted to masking two cameras in his cab, but one of the covers fell off and today a magistrate found the video shows Cao indecently assaulting the young woman.

Reporter: “You deliberately covered the cameras and you touched her, are you sorry?”

It’s a victory for the victim’s parents, but they know they’re lucky. Their daughter has cerebral palsy and can’t communicate.

Unidentified male: “A lot of work to be done because there’s a lot of vulnerable people out there who don’t have a voice and if this can happen it can happen to a whole range of other people.”

Dignity for Disability wants to see alternative communication methods in court for people with disabilities.

(Kelly Vincent, Dignity for Disability MP, grab)
Vincent: “This case in itself to my mind is a message, a strong message to anyone wanting to perpetrate this kind of abuse that you will be caught.”

Sentencing submissions for Cao will happen next month.