South Australian disability services on 891ABC


Kelly Vincent, Dignity For Disability MLC (891ABC 7.43-7.44) South Australian disability services

(Bevan: Kelly Vincent, just quickly … what can be done?)

Well you have to wonder, David, at a time when our disability services are reportedly moving towards a human rights basis under the National Disability Insurance Scheme, why this situation is allowed to continue … why we are saying that this is a good enough situation for some people but I don’t think any able bodied person would be asked to face this situation … again it has to do with the fact that the Health and Disability Departments again can’t sit down and talk to each other which is a situation we’ve talked about before … all that needs to happen to solve part of this problem is for these two departments to sit down and talk to each other and put peoples needs ahead of their own department’s to keep [unclear].

(Bevan: But is the problem … that both of these departments are being asked to find savings so … neither of them is going to comment?)

That is part of the problem, yes … if we can find $40m for a footbridge, if we can find thousands of dollars to bring the Rolling Stones over at taxpayers’ expense, we can find the monies to do this … do we want our taxpayers’ money going towards people like Naomi sitting, feeling miserable and staring out a window or do we want them to live full, productive and healthy lives? And I … know which one of those I would prefer, certainly.

(Bevan: Kelly Vincent, thanks for talking to us.)