Second Hand Goods Bill


The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (17:09): I would just like to speak very briefly in support of the second reading of this bill. I would like to thank Kaes Cilessen from minister O’Brien’s office for arranging a comprehensive briefing from Jeff Hack and his team of two other members of SAPOL, and from a staff member from Consumer and Business Services. As has already been mentioned in this place, this bill is designed to further regulate the second-hand goods industry. I know the intention is particularly to assist in preventing the movement of goods often shifted in high volume, and I do not think anyone in this place disagrees with that intent.

I think several good questions have already been raised in regard to the bill, particularly around the classification of certain items. I look forward to receiving the answers to those questions so that I can consider the bill in more detail, but at this stage I have no further questions beyond those that have already been asked, and I commend the second reading to the chamber.