Scheme starts on 7 News


Channel 7 News 1/7/2013 Scheme starts (18.03)

Local families are celebrating the start of new disability funding saying it’ll ease the financial squeeze and help their kids have a better life. But the scheme’s also copping flack for being too rushed and not thoroughly planned.

[Report] Dignity for Disability MP Kelly Vincent welcomes the scheme but says it won’t do enough to help those in need. She claims it’s been rushed in to win votes and should have been better planned.

(Kelly Vincent, Dignity for Disability MP, grab)
Vincent: “It talks about covering only 450,000 of the 4 million of us who have disabilities. So there’s obviously got to be some stringent assessment criteria.”

Novita says more staff will be needed to cope with demand.

(Glenn Rappensberg, Novita, grab)
Rappensberg: “We see some children will probably accessing nearly double what they’re currently accessing at this point in time.”