
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (14:52): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the minister representing the Minister for Transport Services questions concerning pedestrian safety at rail crossings.

Leave granted.

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: Pedestrian safety at rail crossings has recently been promoted through a government advertising campaign in which the public were informed that, ‘stepping in front of a train is like stepping in front of 1,000 horses’. According to the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure:

There are more than 340 incidents at level crossings each year in South Australia. Risk taking at level crossings, whether you are a motorist, cyclist or a pedestrian, is hazardous. Actions like queuing at level crossings, not expecting or looking for a second train, not paying attention to the railway level crossing signs or signals, running warning lights and evading boom gates can result in serious injury or death.

In relation to trains at level crossings, the public are advised that, ‘some things are worth waiting for’. Following the tragic death of a constituent with an intellectual disability in November last year at the Lonsdale station, on 11 November 2011 I asked the minister a number of questions, including a call for safety at level crossings that serviced people with disabilities on the Noarlunga line, in particular.

Later, I found out that there were no white lines on one side of the Belair train line. This includes the station that services the Balyana facility for people with disabilities. The Belair line also services long heavy freight trains. On 14 February 2012, I asked a question of the minister about why white safety lines were missing. To date, there has been no public action nor announcements on either issue from the minister, nor have the questions I raised in this chamber been answered. Therefore, my questions to the minister are:

1.How long should I wait for an answer to the question on rail crossing safety that I asked on 11 November 2011?

2.Similar to those at the Brighton Road pedestrian crossing in her own electorate, will the minister install automatic gates at pedestrian crossings that are used by large numbers of more vulnerable commuters such as children or people with disabilities?

3.How long should I wait for an answer to the question on rail crossing safety that I asked on 14 February of this year?

4.Will the minister take responsibility for any incidents that occur as a result of inadequate line marking at railway crossings?

5.Will the ‘more than one train’ signage rollout supersede the need for white safety lines at railway crossings?

6.Will the minister prioritise improved safety at crossings where freight trains pass in particular?

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Minister for Forests, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Tourism, Minister for the Status of Women) (14:55): I thank the honourable member for her most important questions and will refer those to the Minister for Transport in another place and bring back a response. I will certainly ask those questions expeditiously.