People power on 9 News


Channel 9 News 16/12/2013 [People power] (18.09)

People power has helped save a 44yo woman from life in a nursing home. Naomi Clarke today presented a petition with more than 60,000 signatures to the Premier who has now vowed to keep her at home. Naomi and Paul Clarke are inseparable but at 44 Naomi is facing the prospect of life in a nursing home.

(Naomi Clarke, Disabled Woman, grab)
Clarke: “It’s not really a life, you know, and it’s certainly not a life with Paul.”

Her severe spinal and respiratory problems mean she requires 24-hour care. Paul provided that but the rising cost of treatment forced him back to work and because 60 hours of funded care isn’t enough, Naomi has two options – move into supported accommodation or stay home without help.

(Naomi Clarke, Disabled Woman, grab)
Clarke: “For me that’d be like choosing my own suicide because without support I would die.”

(Mark Cobert, Brother, grab)
Cobert: “That would break my heart and she’s not at that stage.”

The Clarkes need an extra $62,000 in State Government funding to keep Naomi at home.

(Kelly Vincent, Dignity for Disability, grab)
Vincent: “Not only would it cost more to keep Naomi in a nursing home-type accommodation, it actually leaves her at more risk of developing further physical and mental health complications.”

Today Naomi was given new hope after handing a petition with 62,000 signatures to the Premier.

(Jay Weatherill, Premier, grab)
Premier: “We’ll find a way of keeping you at home. Don’t worry about it.”

(Naomi Clarke, Disabled Woman, grab)
Clarke: “Yeah, with paid support?”

(Jay Weatherill, Premier, grab)
Premier: “We’ll work out way for you to stay at home.”
Premier: “It’s our ambition to allow her to stay at home and I’m confident we’ll be able to achieve that.”