My Life On Wheels


Published in The Southern Argus, page 2

Dudley James Afford Dudley Atford’s life story My Life On Wheels was officially launched on Wednesday 23rd October, his 26th birthday this book is a labour of love and was launched by Isobel Redmond MP Member for Heysen at Flora MacDonald Lodge, Cowandilla. Among the 150 people attending the launch were District Council of Mt Barker Mayor Ann Ferguson, Kelly Vincent MLC Disability for Disabled and David K e r r i e r CE Mary MacKillop Care. With help of family and friends, Dudley, a young adult with cerebral palsy, spastic cpiadriplegia and severe vision impairment since birth, recounts the important events of his life. In writing his. story, Dudley’s purpose is to preserve for himself memories of his childhood, adolescence and early adulthood and to share with his readers his experiences of the many significant milestones and achievements in his life, to acknowledge the multitude of people who have in various ways, both targe and small, been an integral part of his journey and to give encouragement to otners who strive to meet the daily challenges associated with disability. Dudley’s is a story of perseverance, resilience and celebration. It is the story of a faith filled young man, who through life-long adversity, always with the loving support of his wise and dedicated parents, has grown more and more resolute to develop his abilities and whose love and compassion for others knows no bounds. Gillianne Holiis MPHC. Dudley’s achievements include Winner of the 2009 National Disability Bights Young Leader Award; Invited to Government House four times; Certificate of Merit Year 12 SACE.2010 and Graduate of Up the Hill Project 2011. From chapter one, ‘Friday’s child is loving and giving’. My life On Wheels takes you on a journey through the many ups and downs Dudley and his family have experienced, the book is beautifully illustrated with the many photographs that accompany Dudley’s life story, every step of the way. Perhaps the book’s Foreword discriiies Dudley best: It is with much pleasure that I introduce to you the author of this book, Mr Dudley Afford. I have known Dudley since the day he was born and have been witness to his development into the wonderful young man he is today. At an early age, it became apparent that Dudley was not developing in the same manner as other infants. He was later diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. His parents Heather and_ Brett have devoted their lives to Dudley’s persona! comforts and have encouraged his academic achievements and social skills. Considering his limited physical mobility, he has achieved great heights, having met the Prime Minister in Canberra, and the Governor of South Australia at Government House to receive numerous awards. Working to improve the cause ofthe wheelchair community has been one of his many projects. Dudley’s wisdom beyond nis years was demonstrated when he alone decided to take up residence at Flora McDonald Lodge. He has endeared himself to me with his sense of humour and religious faith. He is the Godfather to my Grand-daughter Savannah, which makes me very proud. His determination is outstanding and a lesson to us all. I am now able to more readily engage and understand people with Dudley’s disposition. I am sure you will enjoy reading this account of Dudley s life on wheels. H.W. (Hank) Hill. JP My Life On Wheels (autobiography) rrp $25 is available from The Book Keeper in Strathalbyn. Dudley e n d s the Epilogue with his favourite prayer: Heavenly Father, walk with me today and grant that I may hear your footsteps and gladly follow where they lead. Talk with me today and grant that I may hear your tender voice. Stay with me today and grant that I may feel your gentle presence in all that I do, say and think. Be my strength when I weaken, my courage when I fear. Help me to know that it is your hand holding mine through ah1 the hours ofthe day and when night falls grant that I may know that I rest in your Sacred Heart. Amen The procession from St James Church led by Norbert Sobotta, Dudley Afford holding the “Mary MacKiUop Way’ sign, Peter Mclnerney and Father John Vildzins.