Motor Vehicles Registration (Periodic Payments) Amendment Bill


The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (15:23): I will speak briefly in support of the second reading of this bill and put a question on the record to which I would very much appreciate an expedient response. In debate in the other place it was suggested that it is a wonder that this periodic payment scheme has not been put in place before now. There are certainly large parts of it that constitute a very good idea.

In this state, since registration stickers were removed, we have had, as predicted, a significant increase in the number of cars driving around unregistered and drivers being fined as a consequence. There is some hope that this will improve the situation. The number of vehicles driving around in this state unregistered at any given time is quite extraordinary, particularly, as I see it, since stickers were abolished.

My questions to the government are: is there any evidence from interstate or elsewhere that the implementation of this scheme is likely to improve the registration rate of cars in South Australia; and also, by how much does the government anticipate this periodic payment scheme will reduce the current high levels of non-registration?