Motion on the Minister for Sustainability,Environment and Conservation


The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: Dignity for Disability will support the motion. Since the story of the TCE contamination in Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park broke just over three weeks ago, I have to say that the Minister for Environment has not seemed interested in genuinely answering questions about this serious potential public and environmental health issue. Whether or not you are happy about the way in which this information came to the public attention, and to the attention of local residents impacted, as the minister of the lead agency in the matter I would have thought that Mr Hunter would have the duty to take responsibility for what has occurred and what happens in the future.

It has been very disappointing to repeatedly see the minister approaching this matter in a resentful and belligerent manner. We need ministers to take responsibility for their agencies and to take seriously all the concerns that residents have. It is reasonable that people would feel scared, worried and concerned about their own health and the health of their families who live with them or have previously done so.

As of today, we certainly cannot change the fact that there is TCE contamination in Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park. I am certainly not saying it is the minister’s fault that it is there, but the minister does have control over how he and his department respond to questions and queries from the residents affected by this. This entire episode has highlighted how little we know about former industrial sites around South Australia, and as other members of this chamber have pointed out, we need to do something about that urgently.

As in all matters, whether or not they are considered urgent or a potential public health risk, governments should be open, accountable and open to consultation and hearing from all of their constituents. Unfortunately, this has not been the case, so I dearly hope that if nothing else this is a learning exercise for the government.

Dignity for Disability takes this issue of industrial contamination in residential areas extremely seriously, and we also take motions of no confidence in a minister very seriously. As members will be aware, we have previously abstained from voting on a no confidence motion against a minister in this chamber, but on this occasion we think the minister has been lax in his duty to the South Australian people and for this reason we support this motion.