Member’s Vehicles | Motion


The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: I indicate very briefly that Dignity for Disability does support this motion. We have also previously been in conversation with the Hon. Mr Parnell about whether we might amend it to include measures such as ensuring that there is a number of wheelchair accessible vehicles available in the government fleet and also that there be a fleet of government bikes as well to promote true diversity in transport.
Members interjecting:
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: Mr President, several people are interjecting on me. I would appreciate your protection.
The PRESIDENT: It is very rude; that is right. The Hon. Ms Vincent has the floor.
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: Thank you as always for your protection, even if I needed to ask for it. Hopefully we can get that amendment up in the new year and maybe perhaps move this motion again in an amended form. With those brief words, we support the motion.