Keep SA disability library open, says MP



Keep SA disability library open, says MP

AAPJune 19, 2013, 1:19 pm

The South Australian government has been urged not to close a specialist disability library – the only one of its kind in Australia.

Dignity for Disability MP Kelly Vincent says she’s been contacted by staff and clients of the service who are worried that the government is planning to shut it down.

“This is the only library of its type in Australia, so it would be a great shame to lose this facility from the disability sector,” Ms Vincent said.

“Families have told me of the vital importance of the items they have borrowed over the years, items such as books and DVDs, that are simply not available through regular lending libraries.

“Such resources have been of enormous assistance with parenting a child with a disability.”

Ms Vincent said the library collection currently includes more than 10,000 items and any move to mothball that much material “beggars belief”.

She’s suggested the new DisabilityCare Australia service act as a central community hub to provide the library with a new home.

In state parliament, the government said the minister for disabilities would provide a response to Ms Vincent’s concerns.