How about a 21st century campaign program?


Dignity for Disability Leader Kelly Vincent MLC has called on South Australian political parties to get into the 21st century and start campaigning in a more accessible fashion.

“So here we are on Day 1 of the official election campaign (Issue of the Writ) and the main contribution political parties and candidates have made to the campaign is littering the state with environmentally unsound election posters,” says Kelly Vincent.

“It would be good to see the major parties focused on making their websites and campaigns accessible to people with disabilities that are so often marginalised by election campaigns and voting systems.

“But instead we see them painting the landscape with a visual blight.  Faces on plastic corflutes strung up on stobie poles are nothing but a traffic hazard.

“In 2014, you’d think we could have a more enlightened approach to political campaigning.

“Perhaps build a website people with vision impairment or blindness can use – or pledge to ensure 100 percent of polling booths are accessible by 2018.

“We need less faces on stobie poles and more open discussion on facebook, twitter and other social media.

“I call on voters to make candidates in this election accountable for their campaigning techniques and be more open and accessible to the ideas and needs of electors with disabilities,” said Ms Vincent.