Hearing Loops
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (14:44): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for State/Local Government Relations, representing the Minister for Disability, a question regarding hearing loops in government buildings.
Leave granted.
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: Hearing loops are important devices which promote hearing assistance to people with hearing aids and, in turn, promote their social and intellectual inclusion and wellbeing. I note that a hearing loop has been installed recently in this place—and I congratulate the powers that be on this. I understand that government buildings support the use of hearing loops. My questions are:
- How many state government buildings are currently equipped with hearing loops in South Australia?
- How many of these hearing loops are currently functioning?
- What routine maintenance, if any, is in place in state government buildings to ensure that hearing loops are maintained effectively?
- If hearing loops within state government buildings are not functioning, when will these devices be fixed?
- Does the state government have any plans to extend the provision of hearing loops in state government buildings? If so, which buildings are these?