Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) (Restricted Birthing Practices) Amendment Bill


The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (16:50): On behalf of Dignity for Disability I will speak very briefly in opposition to the second reading of this bill. I have met and consulted with the South Australian Chapter of the Australian College of Midwives, who expressed grave concern about this bill on several fronts. As it currently stands, it is my understanding from that consultation that this bill is not comprehensive, is robust and is dangerous.

As this bill effectively is responding to one particular midwife and the resulting Coroner’s recommendation, I have real fear about what this bill could do for other women and other midwives. I fear it could drive homebirthing further underground, and could result in free birthing—a practice that must be monitored very carefully. This bill could have been a great opportunity to recognise and define the role of midwives better, and give them the respect that their profession deserves. However, this bill does not do that. For those reasons, I oppose this bill in its current form, but I look forward to continuing my association with the College of Midwives and working towards legislation that does properly protect, recognise and respect their role.