Disability,Unmet Needs
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (14:59): I seek leave to make an explanation before asking the minister representing the Minister for Disability a question about unmet needs in this state.
Leave granted.
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: Mr President, here we are again, at the beginning of a new parliamentary sitting year, and I am somewhat saddened to say that, again, I am asking a question regarding the publication of unmet needs data in South Australia.
As my fellow members would know, unmet needs data shows the level of recorded unmet needs in the disability community, that is, people who are waiting on the government to provide essential services, such as in-home support, respite and supported accommodation. In fact, my fellow members may recall that the first question I ever asked in this place related to the publication of unmet needs data.
At that time, in May last year when I asked when the unmet needs data from December 2009 would be uploaded to the website, interestingly enough the government responded by publishing that data that very afternoon. I trust that all of us in this place are aware that Monsignor David Cappo and the Social Inclusion Board have been asked to provide a blueprint for disability services in this state.
I believe that, in order for the blueprint to be truly viable, it must be more than an oratory as to how things should be; it must also acknowledge and address the current unmet needs crisis of people with disabilities in South Australia. In order to do this, it must take into account the most up-to-date unmet needs data, yet we are still relying on data from June 2010. My questions are:
- When will the government publish the December 2010 unmet needs data?
- Does the government agree that the blueprint will need to provide future strategies, as well as answers to funding our way out of the current unmet needs crisis?
- When will the government inject further funds so as to address the unmet needs crisis that faces the disability community in South Australia?