Development (Development Plan Amendments)(Notification) Amendment Bill


The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (17:09): I appreciate that I am not on the list of speakers, but I thought I would just chime in very briefly to put on the record that Dignity for Disability will be very strongly supporting this particular bill. I think it makes absolute sense to let people know what is happening to their own properties. Call me crazy, but I do not think that should rely entirely on what the Hon. Ms Zollo called, I believe, goodwill. I think people should have a legal and very solid right to know what is happening to their own properties.
The other point I would make very briefly is that, of course, as with most issues, we have received quite a high volume of correspondence on this bill in my office, and to my memory—I could be wrong—not one piece of correspondence, or one person who sent us correspondence, has been against this bill. All of them have been asking us to support this, so obviously this is what the community wants and with very good reason. For that reason, I will be supporting this bill very strongly.