Child Protection
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (14:59): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the minister representing the Minister for Disability a question regarding child protection measures for children with disabilities.
Leave granted.
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: On Monday I hosted a workshop run by world-renowned child abuse expert Professor Freda Briggs, which aimed to give families tools to protect their sons, daughters and loved ones with disabilities from sexual abuse in particular. The workshop was attended by approximately 100 people including parents of children with disabilities (some whose children had been directly affected by abuse), workers from the disability sector, educators and people with disabilities.
During the workshop Professor Briggs told us about research from New South Wales which indicated that children with disabilities are 800 per cent more likely to be the target of sexual abuse. However, Professor Briggs also noted that the risk of abuse for people with disabilities reduces significantly where there are explicit child protection and sexuality education programs in place that involve parents, carers and institutions.
In the lead-up to this workshop my office was contacted by Jayne Lehman and Fim Jucha, two advocates who contributed to the development of a 2005 Families and Communities booklet, entitled Protecting Children and Young People with Disabilities: a booklet for parents and carers. The booklet proved to be a valuable resource, and provided practical information for parents and carers of people with disabilities; however, it is now out of print and is yet to be updated and replaced. My questions are:
- Which, if any, state government educational programs centre around the prevention of sexual abuse of people with disabilities, and how many people take part in such programs?
- Why has the minister not updated the above-mentioned Families and Communities brochure, and when will the department provide an alternative?