Cerebral Palsy Awareness Week


Dignity for Disability MLC Kelly Vincent says this week’s Cerebral Palsy Awareness Week is a timely reminder of the need for a comprehensive, nationwide roll-out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Week (Monday 30 July – Friday 3 August) is coordinated by Cerebral Palsy Australia, the national peak body of organisations that work with people with cerebral palsy and their carers. Ms Vincent is the Ambassador for Cerebral Palsy Australia.

“Whilst the announcement of South Australia as a trial site for the NDIS covering children with disabilities last week was encouraging, there is still a long way to go,” Ms Vincent said.

“With 33,000 Australians living with cerebral palsy, and one child born every 18 hours with the condition, there is no denying that better support is needed, and urgently.

“This National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Week should remind us all of the need for integrated national services and an NDIS for all people living with disabilities.”

The week is held annually to recognise the achievements of people with cerebral palsy and to make the Australian community more inclusive, more accessible and more welcoming for people living with cerebral palsy.

Cerebral Palsy Australia member organisations, including Novita Children’s Services in South Australia, are staging a diverse range of events and campaigns to mark the week, about which you can read more about on the Cerebral Palsy Australia website:  www.cpaustralia.com.au