Budget brings disability dollars – but it is good sense that counts


Dignity for Disability MLC Kelly Vincent has welcomed today’s confirmed funding injection for DisabilityCare and disability services with the release of Treasurer Weatherill’s first State Budget.

“I am thrilled that there is sustained funding for disability allocated in this budget,” says Dignity for Disability’s MLC Kelly Vincent.

“I congratulate the Premier on his commitment to positively changing the lives of people with disabilities for the better in South Australia.  This money will help ensure a full Disability Care scheme can be implemented in by 2018-2019.

“The community now needs a rock-steady promise from Opposition Leader Steven Marshall that he will also commit this level of support if he becomes Premier in 2014 and I call on him to give this now.

“Whilst the dollars invested are both essential, and welcome, I am concerned that the cultural shift required to make the financial investment worthwhile are not being considered.

“Money for DisabilityCare doesn’t make the bus you want to catch accessible, it doesn’t help employers understand the needs of a deaf employee nor does it make the justice system accessible for people with communication impairments.

“In the coming years, with significant financial investment in disability, it is essential that the quality of service provided to people with disabilities is improved.

“I am anxious that this may not occur when the funding for the Equal Opportunity Commission, Office of the Public Advocate and Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner are all being cut for 2013-2014.

“People with disabilities still need services where they can seek advice.  They also need the capacity to raise issues and make complaints.  This will be an increasing challenge when these statutory officers and their staff are under resourced.

“It is outrageous that the Premier sugar-coats his Budget as all good news for the disability community when he’s taking the axe to the very complaint and accountability mechanisms that we need now more than ever,” said Ms Vincent.