All we want for Christmas is some questions answered…


Dignity for Disability MLC Kelly Vincent today questioned the State Government’s accountability record following an analysis of question time in the 2010-2013 parliamentary term.

“Dignity for Disability has been in Parliament for four years now – and we’ve been asking the Government lots of tough questions in the areas of disability, education, health, transport services and justice,” says Kelly Vincent.

“We’ve asked 91 questions without notice of Ministers in this time – with up to ten individual questions in each of those broader questions.

“However, we haven’t had much luck getting answers back from Ministers. The Government does not seem to think it is accountable to the people of South Australia.

“When Parliament was prorogued earlier this month, we had received responses to only 37 questions. Many of those 37 responses were so lacking in any relevant or substantive detail, that I am hesitant to call them answers.

“d4d would like some accountability for Christmas. With a state election due in March 2014, I call on the two parties in contention for Government to pledge to answer ALL the questions asked of them in the coming Parliamentary term,” concluded Ms Vincent.