Aboriginal Lands Trust Bill


The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (11:15): I will speak very briefly in favour of the second reading of the Aboriginal Lands Trust Bill 2013. Firstly, I would like to thank the Hon. Ian Hunter’s adviser, Shane Webster, for the comprehensive folder of information—a very large and glossy folder, in fact—provided to me and my staff member yesterday morning and for also arranging three departmental staff to brief me at that same meeting.

I would hope that there is no question, through our previous work, that Dignity for Disability certainly has something of a proud record in supporting the recognition and empowerment of Indigenous South Australians in particular through all sectors of society and by whatever legislative means, and we are pleased to see this bill before the parliament. I have no further questions at this stage, but I look forward to progressing it through the committee stage.

I understand that because this is a hybrid bill, it will now be voted off to a select committee, and I commend that process to the chamber.