A fresh start for SA with d4d – Joanne Blesing in Unley


Joanne Blesing, 47, of Eastwood, is passionate about advocating for people living with a disability and especially being a voice for the voiceless to ensure that not only are their needs met, but that they are included as a matter of course, not as a tacked on after-thought.

Living with Multiple Sclerosis since 2004 has necessitated Joanne drawing on her professional life experience, with a corporate background, to negotiate the disability sector.

As an architectural designer, Joanne managed her own business and prior to her illness she had 20 years of architectural design, project management, contract negotiations, and senior management corporate consulting.  It is this background that has prepared her for moving forward and staying independent in the community.

Being virtually quadriplegic through secondary Multiple Sclerosis, Joanne does not receive enough government funding to cover either her showers or meals.

“In a state like South Australia it is totally unacceptable that the current disability support system is so woefully underfunded, unfair and inefficient,” says Ms Blesing.

“It is only by sheer will and determination, that I have come as far as I have, and it is for this reason that I believe those of us with the capability must speak on behalf of all those who cannot. In this way, through Dignity for Disability, I am a voice for the voiceless.

“I have found that my story has the ability to motivate people to greater efforts in their own lives. We all need positive role models.  I have the opportunity to inspire and motivate others, both disabled and the able bodied and I have the ability to influence positively the outcome.  You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have,” said Ms Blesing.