A fair go for disability sector workers


Yesterday’s Fair Work Australia decision to award community and disability sector workers a pay rise of between 19 and 41 per cent is a welcome acknowledgement of the value of these Australians, said Dignity for Disability MLC Kelly Vincent.

The mandated wage rise will bring community sector workers’ pay into line with that of their public sector counterparts. The decision was announced yesterday after Fair Work Australia last year found that the pay disparity was likely a result of gender discrimination in the majority female sector.

“This decision by Fair Work Australia sends a great message of equal worth to women everywhere,” said Ms Vincent.

“It is also recognition that community sector, caring and support work is not unworthy or low-skilled. This wage rise grants these workers financial compensation which better reflects the value of what they do everyday – which is work that vastly improves the quality of thousands of lives.

“With better pay offered to workers, people with disabilities can also look forward to better care from workers with skills, training and experience who stay in jobs longer rather than moving into other, better paid industries.”

The wage rises, which will be implemented as additions to the current award rates, will be phased in over the next eight years.

The South Australian Government has already committed to providing the extra funding necessary to account for the wage rises, so that jobs are not lost as a result of the Fair Work Australia decision.

“I am heartened that the SA Government has publically signalled that it will support these wage rises with extra funding for the community sector,” said Ms Vincent.

“It is unsettling that Fair Work Australia did not provide for a quicker transition to the new award rates, which means countless workers will continue to be short changed whilst providing vital services. However, the knowledge that equity is on the horizon is very encouraging.”